int PREGAME = 0; int GAME = 1; int POSTGAME = 2; int gamemode = PREGAME; Rocket r; ArrayList spiders = new ArrayList(); ArrayList deadSpiders = new ArrayList(); ArrayList bullets = new ArrayList(); int wave = 0; int score = 0; void setup() { r = new Rocket(); //spiders.add(new Spider()); size(500, 500); //smooth(); textFont(createFont("", 24), 24); gamemode = PREGAME; lowLag.init(); lowLag.load("BOOM2.mp3"); lowLag.load("CHOP1.mp3"); } float controlX = 250; float controlY = 450; float controlSize = 80; void draw() { background(50, 50, 200); if (gamemode == PREGAME || gamemode == POSTGAME) { drawPregame(); } rectMode(CORNER); fill(0, 128, 0); noStroke(); rect(0, 400, 500, 100); stroke(0); fill(200); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(controlX, controlY, controlSize, controlSize); fill(255, 255, 0); float dX = mouseX - controlX; float dY = mouseY - controlY; float angle = atan2(dY, dX); float power = dist(mouseX, mouseY, controlX, controlY); if (power >= 30) power = 30; pushMatrix(); translate(controlX, controlY); ellipse(cos(angle)*power, sin(angle)*power, 20, 20); popMatrix(); r.setAnglePower(angle, power); r.move(); r.draw(); for (Spider s : spiders) { s.move(); s.draw(); for (Bullet b : bullets) { if (b.hitSpider(s)) { b.dead = true; s.dead = true;"CHOP1.mp3"); } b.draw(); } } for(Spider s : deadSpiders){ s.fall(); s.draw(); if(s.y > height) deadSpiders.remove(s); } for (Bullet b : bullets) { if (b.move()) b.dead = true; ; } for (Bullet b : bullets) { if (b.dead) bullets.remove(b); } for (Spider s : spiders) { if (s.dead) { score++; spiders.remove(s); deadSpiders.add(s); } if (dist(r.x, r.y, s.x, s.y )< 20) { r.dead = true; gamemode = POSTGAME;"BOOM2.mp3"); // line(0,0,r.x,r.y); } } if (spiders.size() == 0 && gamemode == GAME) { for (int j = 0; j < wave; j++) { spiders.add(new Spider()); } wave++; } if (frameCount % 10 == 0 && ! r.dead && gamemode == GAME) { bullets.add(new Bullet()); } if (gamemode == GAME) { textAlign(LEFT); fill(255); text("wave:"+(wave-1), 320, 420); text("<-your control", 300, 450); text("score:"+(score), 320, 480); } //print(power+" "); } class Bullet { boolean dead = false; float x, y, xs, ys; Bullet() { x = r.x; y = r.y; xs = cos(r.a) * 5; ys = sin(r.a) * 5; } boolean move() { x += xs; y += ys; if (x < 0 || x > 500 || y < 0 || y > 400) { return true; } return false; } boolean hitSpider(Spider s) { if (dist(x, y, s.x, s.y) <= 20) return true; return false; } void draw() { fill(0); stroke(0); strokeWeight(3); ellipse(x, y, 2, 2); } } void mousePressed() { if (gamemode != GAME) { wave = 1; spiders = new ArrayList(); r = new Rocket(); gamemode = GAME; } } class Spider { boolean dead = false; float x=250, y=250; float xs, ys; float a; Spider() { y = random(400); x = 500; if (random(10) < 5) { x = 0; } } int MOVEWAIT = Math.round( random(40, 80)); int counter = MOVEWAIT; void fall(){ ys += .1; y += ys; x += xs; } void move() { a = atan2(r.y-y, r.x-x); counter--; if (counter <= 0) { counter = MOVEWAIT; xs = cos(a) * 10; ys = sin(a) * 10; } x += xs; y += ys; xs *= .9; ys *= .9; if (x < 0) { x = abs(xs); xs *= -.7; } if (y < 0) { y = abs(ys); ys *= -.7; } if (x > 500) { x = 500-abs(xs); xs *= -7; } if (y > 400) { y = 400-abs(ys); ys *= -.7; } } void draw() { fill(128); if(dead) fill(0); pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(a-PI/2); float LEGSIZE = 15; line(-LEGSIZE, -LEGSIZE/2, LEGSIZE, LEGSIZE/2); line(LEGSIZE, -LEGSIZE/2, -LEGSIZE, LEGSIZE/2); line(LEGSIZE, 0, -LEGSIZE, 0); ellipse(0, 0, 20, 20); popMatrix(); } } class Rocket { float x = 250; float y = 250; float xs, ys; float a; float p; boolean dead = false; Rocket() { } void move() { if (dead) { ys += .1; x+=xs; y+=ys; return; } xs += cos(a) * p/400; ys += sin(a) * p/400; x += xs; y += ys; float ma = atan2(ys, xs); float mg = dist(0, 0, xs, ys); float MAXSPEED = 8; if (mg > MAXSPEED) { xs = MAXSPEED * cos(ma); ys = MAXSPEED * sin(ys); } // iterator if (x < 0) { x = abs(xs); xs *= -.7; } if (y < 0) { y = abs(ys); ys *= -.7; } if (x > 500) { x = 500-abs(xs); xs *= -.7; } if (y > 400) { y = 400-abs(ys); ys *= -.7; } } float BEESIZE = 20; float counter; void setAnglePower(float a, float p) { this.a = a; this.p = p; } void draw() { float wingoff = sin(counter+=.3)*5; pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(a+PI/2); noFill(); ellipse(-3, -3+wingoff, 15, 15); ellipse(3, -3+wingoff, 15, 15); if (dead) { fill(128); } else { fill(255, 255, 0); wingoff = sin(counter+=p/40)*5; } strokeWeight(3); line(0, 0, -BEESIZE/2, -BEESIZE/2); line(0, 0, BEESIZE/2, -BEESIZE/2); ellipse(0, 0, BEESIZE, BEESIZE); line(-BEESIZE/2, 0, BEESIZE/2, 0); line(-BEESIZE/2, BEESIZE/4, BEESIZE/2, BEESIZE/4); fill(0); stroke(0); ellipse(-4, -5, 1, 1); ellipse(4, -5, 1, 1); popMatrix(); } } void resetGame() { } void drawPregame() { fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); String sum = ""; if (gamemode == POSTGAME) { sum = "last score:"+score+" wave:"+(wave-1); } text("SPIDERCON\n\nspiders are invading!\n"+sum+"\ncontrol your beefighter with the control below and defend your sky\nCLICK TO PLAY", 50, 100, 400, 350); } void drawPostgame() { }