import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; void stop(){ // always close Minim audio classes when you are done with them :-) closeSounds(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } int SAMPLECOUNT = 4; AudioPlayer music; AudioSnippet robot_boom; AudioSnippet buzz; AudioSnippet punch; AudioSnippet swoosh; void loadSounds(){ minim = new Minim(this); music = minim.loadFile("bgmusic.mp3"); // music = minim.loadFile("cjammer.wav"); buzz = minim.loadSnippet("buzz.wav"); punch = minim.loadSnippet("punch.wav"); swoosh = minim.loadSnippet("swoosh.wav"); } void startMusic(){ music.loop(); } void fx(AudioSnippet a){ a.pause();a.rewind();; } void fx_buzz() { fx(buzz); } void fx_punch() { fx(punch); } void fx_swoosh() { fx(swoosh); } void closeSounds(){ buzz.close(); punch.close(); swoosh.close(); music.close(); } int CARD = 1; int TITLE_BEFORE = 2; int PLAY = 3; int TITLE_AFTER; ArrayListbees = new ArrayList(); int forcedWait; ArrayListfallingBees = new ArrayList(); int gameMode = CARD; PImage cardImage; int killCount; int lives; Dino d; void setup(){ size(500,500); cardImage = loadImage("smallbill.jpg"); // startGame(); d = new Dino(); // noCursor(); loadSounds(); } void draw(){ if(forcedWait > 0) forcedWait--; if(gameMode == CARD){ drawCard(); } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ drawTitle(); } if(gameMode == PLAY){ play(); } if(gameMode == PLAY || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ showScore(); } } void showScore(){ fill(0);stroke(0); strokeWeight(2); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); text("score:"+killCount,0,GROUND,250,100); if(gameMode == PLAY){ text("lives:"+lives,250,GROUND,250,100); } } int ticks; void startGame(){ gameMode = PLAY; ticks = 0; bees = new ArrayList(); fallingBees = new ArrayList(); killCount = 0; lives = 3; } void mousePressed(){ if(gameMode == CARD){ gameMode = TITLE_BEFORE; startMusic(); return; } if(gameMode == TITLE_BEFORE || gameMode == TITLE_AFTER){ if(forcedWait <= 0){ startGame(); return; } } if(gameMode == PLAY){ d.isPunch = true; //bees.add(new Bee()); } } void drawCard(){ background(200); textAlign(CENTER); fill(0); image(cardImage,202,150); text("an /",250,145); text("kirkjerk joint\n\n\naudio by\nrenzo heredia\n\n\n\n(click)",250,310); } void drawTitle(){ textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); background(50,50,100); noStroke(); fill(100,50,0); rect(0,GROUND,500,500-GROUND); fill(0); textSize(20); text("click to play",0,100,500,200); textSize(50); text("DINOBEEBOXER",0,0,500,500); } int flash = 0; void play(){ ticks++; if(bees.size() == 0) bees.add(new Bee()); if(random(100) < 1) bees.add(new Bee()); if(flash > 0){ background(100,100,50); flash--; } else { background(50,50,100); } noStroke(); fill(100,50,0); rect(0,GROUND,500,500-GROUND); //println(); d.draw(); for(Bee b:bees){ b.move(); b.draw(); } for(Bee b:fallingBees){ b.fall(); b.draw(); } ArrayList toKill = new ArrayList(); for(Bee b : bees){ if(b.x < -10){ flash = 40; toKill.add(b); lives--; fx_buzz(); if(lives <= 0){ gameMode = TITLE_AFTER; forcedWait = 250; } } } bees.removeAll(toKill); } class Dino{ float x,y; float fistX, fistY; boolean isPunch; Dino(){ x = mouseX; y = mouseY; } boolean hit(Bee b){ if(dist(fistX,fistY,b.x,b.y) < 25+16) return true; return false; } void draw(){ float MOVE = .5; if(x < mouseX) x+=MOVE; if(x > mouseX) x-=MOVE; if(y < mouseY) y+=MOVE; if(y > mouseY) y-=MOVE; x = constrain(x,180,220); //println(mouseY); y = constrain(y,235,280); color lightGreen = color(50,200,50); color darkGreen = color(25,150,25); stroke(lightGreen); strokeWeight(50); float baseOfTailX = x - 50; float baseOfTailY = y + 50; float a = map(mouseY,0,500,-PI,PI/2); //println(a); //neck float neckX = baseOfTailX+cos(a)*60; float neckY = baseOfTailY+sin(a)*60; line(neckX,neckY,baseOfTailX,baseOfTailY); float tailLength = pow(120,2);; strokeWeight(40); float tailXLength = sqrt(abs(tailLength - pow(baseOfTailY - GROUND,2))); line(baseOfTailX,baseOfTailY,baseOfTailX-tailXLength,GROUND); line(baseOfTailX-tailXLength,GROUND,baseOfTailX-tailXLength-30,GROUND); strokeWeight(30); stroke(darkGreen); //top leg to knee line(baseOfTailX,baseOfTailY,baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2),(GROUND + baseOfTailY) / 2); //kee down to ground line(baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2),(GROUND + baseOfTailY) / 2,baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2),GROUND+10); line(baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2)+30,GROUND+10,baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2),GROUND+10); line(baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2)-30,GROUND+10,baseOfTailX+(tailXLength/2),GROUND+10); stroke(lightGreen); //line(fistX,fistY); //head rect(neckX,neckY-40,50,30); stroke(150,0,0); triangle(neckX+20,neckY-20,neckX+25,neckY-30,neckX+20,neckY-20); stroke(darkGreen); //arm if(mousePressed){ fistX = neckX+80; fistY = neckY; line(neckX,neckY,fistX,fistY); }else{ line(neckX,neckY,neckX-20,neckY+20); fistX = neckX+20; fistY = neckY+20; line(neckX-20,neckY+20,fistX,fistY); } fill(150,0,0); stroke(150,0,0); ellipse(fistX,fistY,25,25); if(isPunch){ boolean playHit = false; isPunch = false; ArrayList toKill = new ArrayList(); for(Bee b : bees){ if(hit(b)){ playHit = true; b.bam(); killCount ++; toKill.add(b); } } bees.removeAll(toKill); fallingBees.addAll(toKill); if(playHit) fx_punch(); else fx_swoosh(); } } } float GROUND = 400; float beeSpeed = 1; class Bee{ float x, y, speed; boolean dead = false; float c1,c2,c3,c4,a; Bee(){ x = 500; y = random(250,GROUND); beeSpeed += .03; beeSpeed = constrain(beeSpeed,1,5); // beeSpeed = 5; speed = -beeSpeed; c1 = random(-1,1); c2 = random(-2,2); c3 = random(-3,3); c4 = random(-1,1); } void move(){ a += c1; x += speed + c2*cos(a) ; y += c3*sin(a) ; //y = mouseY; x } float ys; void bam(){ dead = true; ys = random(-3,3); } void fall(){ x += 3; ys += .1; y += ys; } void draw(){ strokeWeight(2); stroke(0); pushMatrix(); translate(x,y); // print(dead+" "); if(dead){ rotate(x); } line(0,0,0+12,0); noStroke(); fill(255,255,0); ellipse(0,0,16,16); stroke(0); line(0-4,0-6,0-4,0+6); line(0,0-8,0,0+8); line(0+4,0-6,0+4,0+6); popMatrix(); } }